Arma 3 armory mission
Arma 3 armory mission

Fixed: Sounds of owl used as a trigger doesn't produce an error message anymore.Fixed: HQ module was deleting its group.Fixed: Darter has been adjusted to withstand assembly even inside houses.Fixed: Cargo parachutes are now correctly animated while opening and landing.Fixed: Some trigger-activated modules didn't work.Fixed: List of addons for Dedicated Server to run Seize Edoris.Fixed: Wrong campaign menu OK button text.Fixed: Bullets shown in transparent magazine of PDW2000.Fixed: Naval Mine (Moored) does no damage ( ).Fixed: Link to wrong textures of officer character.Fixed: H_HelmetB_camo has armor value 0 & passthrough of 1 ( ).Fixed: Alpha channel of old MBT gunner reticle (odd mipmaps).Fixed: Error in PCML optic when ADS ( ).Fixed: Multiline in init EditBox (you are now able to use even text longer than the field itself).Fixed: Rangemaster Suit has a correct description.Fixed: Function header for Respawn Tickets.Fixed: Turret texture of Ifrit (thanks to ).Fixed: BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler does not have a return value anymore ( forums reference).Fixed: Logic side is always friendly to everyone.Fixed: Respawn tickets are now decreased upon player death, not respawn.Fixed: Mission end animation was not terminated when player died (leading to posthumous victory).Fixed: Specularity of phone booth materials.Fixed: "Unexpected control type" warnings in log.Fixed: Opening Team Switch menu with no switchable units available leads to scripting error.Fixed: Missing fire damage for emitter created by setParticleParams.Fixed: Issue where ampersand in mission description caused missing remaining part of description ( / ).Fixed: Flipped trace of Kuma's right track.Fixed: Flipped trace of right track of Varsuk and Sochor.Fixed: Tracks for Panther-based vehicles.Fixed: Missing radio Post-Processing on a few voice-overs.Fixed: UGV_01 had a different texture for body and turret.Fixes in translations of 'Adapt' assets and conversations.Added: New sounds to various animations.Added: New display names for NVGs to make them easily distinguishable in inventory.Added: New display names for rebreathers to make them easily distinguishable in inventory.Added: Safety measures to prevent stalling boat engines.Added: Specific ground holder for caps to prevent them from levitating.Added: BIS_fnc_itemType now sorts Glasses, Headgear, Vest, Uniform and Backpack into new category Equipment.Added: Info about JIP in initPlayerLocal.sqf and initPlayerServer.sqf was sometimes incorrect.Added: Empty weapon holder on community request.Added: New variant for procedural destruct material.Added: Sound for self-healing animations.Added: New parameter musicClass for all music tracks.Added: Clicking sound for hiding text in UI.Added: New version of demo charge (class DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted) that may be touched off by scripts (see ).Added: On-screen notifications are now logged into diary under "Log" section for later review.Added: Countdown and Respawn Ticket modules will now automatically end the mission once time or tickets reach 0.Added: Ability to choose end type when setting mission countdown.Added: Attack & Defend objective tasks are now titled "Seize X" and "Defend X".Added: Dynamic task loading in sector module.Added: Calling call bis_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle will now return current respawn position type (e.g., on start, on BLUFOR respawn.Added: More sounds for various cutscene animations.Added: RHA plate surface materials of thicknesses 1, 3, 5, 7, 16 and 23mm, Cast iron plate material.Added: More vehicle classes for structures (for UI organization).Added: Task notification is now compatible with nested displays.Added: Task descriptions can now be loaded from CfgTaskDescriptions.Added: "Create task" module can now be added to specific side using "owner" attribute, without need to synchronize the module to any unit.Added: Using BIS_fnc_addIventory, you can now add a class from CfgVehicles (e.g.Added: Icons for Seize and Defend game types.Added: New particle modules (fire, smoke, plankton).

arma 3 armory mission

Added: Tooltips to ListBox items in Controls.Added: Insignias should work on all soldiers (as a last hidden section of each of them).Added: Generic soldier animation movement sounds.Added: Sounds for changing fire modes of most guns.ACTIVITY: Game Update: 1.12 (Slammer UP tank, Vehicle optics, Linear car controls)

Arma 3 armory mission